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By Richard Cowan and Katanga Johnson

WASHINGTON, July 10 (Reuters) - Congressional investigators into the Jan. 6, 2021, attack
on the U.S.
Capitol expect this week to draw connections between militant
groups that took part and government officials, possibly including then-President Donald Trump, a
member of the committee conducting the investigation said on Sunday.
"We are going to be connecting the dots during these hearings between these groups and those who were trying in government circles to overturn the election," Democratic Representative Zoe Lofgren said on CNN's "State of the Union."

Asked if Trump was aware members of these groups attended
a rally he led outside the White House when he urged them to
march on the Capitol, Lofgren said: "You have to reach your own conclusions but based on the events leading up to the day, I think that would be a logical conclusion."

Trump, a Republican, has falsely claimed Democrat Joe Biden defeated him in the 2020 presidential election through
massive fraud - assertions rejected in U.S.

courts, by Trump's own Justice Department and even Republican-led audits.

After Trump spoke outside the White House on Jan. 6, his
supporters marched to the Capitol in a failed bid to prevent Congress from certifying Biden's
victory in a session where then-Vice President Mike Pence was presiding.

Two groups, the self-described Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, will be under
the spotlight in the two hearings this week,
expected on Tuesday and Thursday.

NBC News reported that Jason Van Tatenhove, a former spokesperson for the Oath Keepers, would testify
on Tuesday.

A committee spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment.

Federal prosecutors have alleged that Jeremy Brown, a
member of the Oath Keepers, brought explosives to the Washington area on Jan. 6.
Brown, in a statement, called the charges a "disgusting lie."

During a September 2020 debate between Trump and Biden before
the November election, Trump was asked whether he would condemn white supremacist and militia
groups for violent activities during his presidency.

Trump responded, "Proud Boys, stand back and stand by." He added,
"Somebody's got to do something about antifa and the left. ... this is a left-wing problem."

On Friday, former White House counsel Pat Cipollone testified
to committee investigators behind closed doors.

Videotaped excerpts of that testimony will be presented at Tuesday's hearing,
said Lofgren, who is one of nine members on a bipartisan House of Representatives Select Committee that began its current series of public hearings last month.

"He was able to provide information on basically all of the critical issues we are looking at, including the president's what-I-would-call dereliction of duty on the day of Jan. 6,"
Lofgren said.

The committee has yet to say whether this Thursday's hearing, expected in evening prime time
when U.S.

television audiences are at their peak, will be
the final one before a panel report is issued, possibly
in September.

Representative Adam Kinzinger, one of two Republicans on the panel, is
expected to lead witness questioning that night, along with Democratic
Representative Elaine Luria.

"We're going to really focus on what was the president doing from in essence the moment the insurrection started until he finally, hours later, put out a tweet that said, 'We shouldn't do anything like this,'" Kinzinger
told ABC's "This Week."

He added, "Keep in mind in the middle of that was the tweet that said in essence this is what happens when you steal an election; that Vice President Pence deserved this."

In earlier committee testimony, witnesses said Trump signaled support for rioters calling for Pence
to be hanged.

Lofgren also said the committee had received
a letter from Trump adviser Steve Bannon saying he
would be willing to testify.

Bannon was charged last year with two counts of contempt of Congress for defying a committee
subpoena. (Reporting by Richard Cowan and Katanga Johnson; Additional reporting by Tyler Clifford and Patricia Zengerle;
Editing by Mary Milliken, Howard Goller and Edwina Gibbs)


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Гость Abbie

Kenya Moore says her divorce from estranged husband Marc
Daly remains 'at a standstill.'

The Real Housewives of Atlanta star, 51, appearing on part two of
the show's 14th season reunion on Sunday, said
that she remains legally wed to Daly, who she
filed to split from in May of 2021.

The Detroit-born reality star, who shares daughter Brooklyn, three,
with Daly, said that she was 'still not divorced' legally.

The latest: Kenya Moore, 51, says her divorce from estranged husband Marc Daly remains 'at a standstill.' She
was seen on the show's reunion episode Sunday 

The former Miss USA and Daly exchanged vows
in June of 2017 and split and rekindled their romance in the time prior to the divorce filing.

Moore said in court docs that her marriage to Daly had been 'irretrievably broken' since September
of 2019, a timepoint from which they have been living in a 'bonafide state of separation.'





Real Housewives Of Atlanta Reunion: Kenya Moore accuses...
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Moore told Andy Cohen Sunday, 'He's not asking for anything
at this point.
It's just at a standstill. So until we get a trial date or settle, it's
still going to go on.'

Moore said that the pending divorce has not hampered
her social life.

Moore and Daly were seen on the red carpet of an event in LA
in March of 2018 

Moore told Andy Cohen Sunday, 'He's not asking for anything at
this point.

It's just at a standstill. So until we get a trial date or settle, it's still going to go on'

Moore said Sunday that she has been thriving professionally and 'doing better in business than I've ever done in my entire life'

'I'm definitely doing some group dating and have people pursuing me,
but nothing serious yet,' she said.

'People are flooding me with, "Hey, my friend wants to meet you," guys reaching
out. I just have that energy right now.'

Moore said that she has been thriving professionally and 'doing better in business than I've ever done in my
entire life.'

In an appearance on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen this past May, Moore said she wants the divorce
proceedings to be over, and that 'the hold-up is on the other side.

'I feel like it's been going on for years too,' Moore said.

'Get me free! Get me free!'

The Real Housewives of Atlanta airs on Bravo Sundays at 8/7c.

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Гость Lacy

id="article-body" class="row" section="article-body" data-component="trackCWV">

An Amazon fulfillment center in Nevada.
Ken James/ Amazon

Verdi, a labor union that represents retail workers in Germany, is
again calling on workers at Amazon distribution centers across the country to strike.

On Monday, Verdi said it requested workers
at five Amazon facilities to walk out on the job
in protest of pay. The distribution centers are located in Bad Hersfeld, Leipzig,
Graben, Werne and Rheinberg, according to a Verdi statement obtained
by Reuters. Three facilities -- Bad Hersfeld, Leipzig and Graben -- were asked to go on strike Monday through Wednesday, while those at the other facilities were called
on to strike on Monday and Tuesday, reported Reuters.

Amazon and Verdi have been waging a war of words over payment for years,
with the labor union arguing that Amazon's 9,000 workers across Germany should
be considered mail order and retail employees -- putting
them in an industry that has higher average wages -- and not logistics workers.
Amazon has said the workers are logistics employees
and they are make wages that exceed industry standards in Germany.

Related stories

Several strikes have occurred at Amazon facilities in Germany over the last year.
In June, more than 600 Amazon workers in Bad Hersfeld and Leipzig walked off the job following a pay
dispute, and in March, about 500 workers at a Leipzig distribution center went on strike.
Amazon has continuously said the strikes are relatively small and fail to
disrupt its shipping times.

Still, the back-and-forth has shown no signs of slowing down. Both sides are maintaining their
position, and more strikes are likely to come. So far, the
strikes have been too small to cause any change in Amazon's position.

Amazon did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Phu Kradueng Thailand (burkecounty-ga.gov)

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Гость Vilma

A car used and driven by Diana, Princess of Wales has sold for £650,
000 at auction.

The black Ford Escort RS Turbo was driven by Diana while
accompanied by a bodyguard from August 23 1985 to May 1 1988.

The RS Turbo Series 1 went under the hammer on Saturday during
a sale held by Silverstone Auctions.

The firm had expected the car to sell for more than £100,
000, but the news that the car was driven by Diana herself seems to have sparked many
people's interest. 

By comparison, a new Ford Fiesta is available from £18,665

Diana was previously pictured with the RS Turbo Series 1 outside the boutique shops
of Chelsea and the restaurants of Kensington.

Diana preferred to drive her own car and had a member of the Royalty Protection Command (SO14) in the passenger seat.

The car is believed to be unique as the first and only black RS Turbo Series 1, as agreed by
S014 and the Ford PR department for reasons of
discretion, instead of the only-white manufactured model.

Princess Diana is photographed getting into the car in 1986, wearing a chic autumnal ensemble and court shoes

Silverstone Auctions' classic car specialist Arwel Richards polishes the 1985 Ford Escort RS Turbo previously owned by Diana, Princess of Wales, on display at the Silverstone Race Circuit
near Towcester, Northamptonshire

The stealthy, black Escort RS Turbo was insisted on by the royal and was given a special 'stealth makeover' by Ford's Special Vehicle Engineering department

The historic hot hatch was driven by the People's Princess from 1985 to 1988, during the early years of Prince Harry and Prince William's childhoods

Princess Diana driving her Ford Escort with Prince William in a car seat in June 1986.

The royal car is expected to fetch six figures at auction this

The steering wheel of the Ford Escort RS Turbo - which was driven by the
People's Princess from 1985 to 1988

The seats where Diana would have sat with a detective for protection while out and about seeing friends.

It is assumed the car was used for more casual social occasions





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The Ford Escort's interior, which is in pristine condition decades on from it's initial use over 35 years ago

The Ford factory's special vehicle engineering department was tasked to supply the car and it fitted a regular five-slat front grille to assist in the 'stealth makeover'.

There was also a secondary rear-view mirror for the protection officer with
a radio in the glove box, with the cable still visible.

The car has just 24,961 miles on the clock and is
in an excellent condition.

It also has a lifetime tracker fitted which can be transferred to the new owner, a
spare key, Ford Motor Company internal memos, and period registration documents.

Arwel Richards, a classic car specialist at Silverstone Auctions, said: 'The RS Turbo is a driver's car and
the late Diana, Princess of Wales was clearly a fan, and it was a fascinating choice for the daughter of an earl, mother of
the future king, and the daughter-in-law of the
Queen to choose.'

'Isn't it fascinating that the Escort RS Turbo was to be
synonymous with the white stilettos of Essex but it's first champion was
the most glamorous woman on Earth?'

In June 2021, another Ford Escort used by Diana sold at auction for £52,

After being won on a radio station competition in the 90s, this car was privately owned for
a number of years before becoming part of a Ford RS collection, where it has been kept in 'top

The auctioneering firm said: 'Parallels could be drawn with the RS Turbo's reputation as the People's Sports Car and the honorific of People's Princess bestowed by
the British public on Princess Diana.

'The RS Turbo was never designed to be driven by the wife of
the second in line to the British throne nor to transport the future King.'

Risca United Kingdom (libproxy.vassar.edu)

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